archive [20180624]
short hike up the nearby nadayama. about a ten minute drive from here, out to the west in itoshima. little parking spot off the side of the road, super beat up old sign showing where the trail is. easy walk up the path for about twenty minutes gets you to the top: out of the woods into an overgrown clearing, tall grasses and wildflowers reaching upward, hazy blue ocean stretching out all around, cicadas buzzing, a few plum trees standing back at the edge of the forest. big cruise ship sailing lazily out past genkai island in the distance, toward the horizon, the haze obscuring the point where the ocean meets the sky so it seemed like there was no difference between the two.
the end of the trail on the way back kind of spits you out among some houses a bit further down the road, and we were surprised to find an RC car track that had seemingly fallen into disuse. huh? i guess if there was a list of things i hadn’t been expecting to come across, that might’ve been on it. though really it might not have even been on that list, because like, when’s the last time you thought of an RC car track?